Thursday, February 4, 2010

Kruger National Park

I visited Kruger National Park for a day, and came back with many many pictures. There are too many to put into one post, so I will spread them out over multiple posts over multiple days.

It was overcast, and rained much of the time I was there (but truth be told, I was thankful it was not unbearably hot, which is how it can get when it's not raining). Of the "Big Five" as they call them (elephant, rhino, African buffalo, lion and leopard) I only saw elephants and rhinos. But I immensely enjoyed the trip, and I got to see some amazing scenery and animals up close in the wild.

1 comment:

  1. The vegetation in the Kruger National Park consists mainly of Bushveld,a combination of grassland, various shrubs and trees.In the northern parts of the park the vegetation is,due to the higher rainfalls,more dense than in the south.There is also the characteristic African baobab tree.
