Friday, January 1, 2010

Preparing for Africa

A new year has come. I fear it will take me several months before I stop dating all of my checks "2009".

With a new year comes new possibilities, new opportunities, and new prospects for a fulfilling life. In less than two weeks, I will be embarking on a truly new adventure for myself, and though I feel wholly unprepared, the excitement I feel is barely containable. On January 11, I shall leave for South Africa.

A picture from a friend in South Africa.

I shall be in South Africa for four weeks. Other than very brief excursions into Canada, this will essentially be my first international trip.

I'm not sure exactly what to expect. I know several South Africans (some now living in the United States, and some I shall meet during my travels abroad), and I am familiar with much of its history (being the international political junkie I am). But if I have learned anything in my life, it is that no matter how much you learn from books or secondhand knowledge, it never quite prepares you for firsthand experience.

With that in mind, I make these resolutions as I prepare for my journey to Africa:
  • I will keep an open mind and an open heart.
  • I will not prejudge anyone based upon my own cultural preferences.
  • I will endeavor to come to a fair understanding of the people I shall meet.
  • I will try as many new things as possible.
  • I will take what I learn in Africa, and apply it to my life to make me a better person. 
I will be updating this blog for the foreseeable future with accounts of my trip, the things I learn, the people I meet. I hope you will join me as I journey into new experiences this new year.

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